During the weekends, a parish priest celebrates Mass, and if he is the only priest in the parish, this often means more than one Mass. Baptisms and weddings are celebrated during the weekends; the time to prepare for these Sacraments usually weeks, even months in advance. During the week, a priest will work with different church groups in promoting the life of the parish. There are many parishioners whom he visits, those who are ill, those who are dying, and those who are unable to travel outside their homes. Sometimes, he is directly involved in the catechetical work of the parish and teaches catechism classes. He works with parish and finance councils that assist him in overseeing the welfare of the parish.
A priest may also serve the diocese in a variety of ways other than parish work. He may be assigned to a mission, or to a campus ministry center. He may serve as chaplain at a military base, hospital, or prison. In addition, he may be called to assist in a particular diocesan office, such as the Vocations Office, Marriage Trinbunals, or other ministries that serve the People of God.
Fr. Andrew is one of the nicest guy I met! I go to St. V school and Fr. Andrew teaches Rel class on fridays! We always have fun and pray before we start class. Thank you Fr. Andrew for giving up your time to come teach us on Fridays!